Friday, April 6, 2012

The History of Marriage

Although every population and every tribe used to have their own customs and traditions, the idea of marriage was taken over by a lot of the peoples we know today and we have ever known. This spreading of this ceremony didn't have any sentimental foundations, but pure political ones or economic ones. Marriage is a ceremony which bonds two people, making a commitment which ordinarily results in a new house and in successors. Although it may sound outrageous, marriages were competed for money, for communal status, because of political reasons and because of other such reasons which have nothing to do with the love between two people.

Unfortunately, women weren't regarded as an foremost element of the community they lived in and there is no need to emphasize this idea, the household and bringing up the kids being their main occupation. Marriage as an convention appeared long before Christianity and it was based on communal interests, as well as on economic and political ones. Therefore, women were more like good for exchanges or they were only taken because of their dowry or fortune. If the girl belonged to a rich house or to a house which had a high communal rank, she was given to a man with the same communal status or even to a man who had a higher communal rank, but she was never given to an lowly man.

However, the customs associated to marriage were much more gorgeous in aged Rome. There were games which sustained the relationships. For instance, the Romans used to manufacture a lottery every year, all th girls putting a note in a bowl and extracting a note which had a boy's name on it. According to the tradition, the girl stayed with the boy she extracted for a year. Most of the times, these relationships ended up in marriages. The two would give each other a ring during the ceremony, which symbolized the engagement ring we know today or the wedding rings. This ring was put on the finger which contained the vessels which led the blood to the heart. The convention has been preserved ever since, the wedding rings symbolizing the promise of loving the other for the rest of your life. However, it seems like most of the population have taken this ritual and have included it in their religious ceremonies.

Polygamy was suitable in those times when th families started being separated or destroyed by the plague. Thus, the uncle used to marry the brother's widow, this being an act which was meant to make it easier for the woman to bring up the kids. There were also times when the marriages were completed secretly, without any witnesses being involved. However, these marriages were forbidden at a sure point, the law imposing that the marriage requested the proximity of a priest and that of two witnesses.

The private marriage thing can also be encountered today, but in a separate context, many population getting married in Vegas without having any witnesses, but the laws associated to marriage have changed a lot.

The History of Marriage

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